Cooperation without Confrontation: An 'errorless' approach to remediation of severe problem behaviour

7. mai 200509:00-13:00
Veslefjellhall 2 og 3
Joe Ducharme  
This presentation will entail discussion of 'errorless remediation', a success-focused, non-aversive approach to the building of cooperation and prosocial behavior in children with conduct difficulties. Errorless remediation is a graduated approach to treatment that involves building tolerance in the child to conditions in the environment that are associated with problem behavior. The presentation will include a discussion of some of the latest evaluation data on errorless compliance training (a strategy for building parent child cooperation), errorless embedding (a classroom-based approach to building on-task skills in children who are disruptive in the classroom) and errorless acquiescence training (a strategy for building peer cooperation in children with social skill deficiencies). Forelesningen holdes på engelsk