Evidence-Based Behavior Analysis: Based on…what?
24. apr 201915:30-17:00
Veslefjellhall 2 og 3
Douglas E. Kostewicz | University of Pittsburg |
Many scientific disciplines strive to identify with the term Evidence-Based. In other words, those within the discipline seek to compile interventions and findings with the strongest, current, and best evidence available to guide decision making. Behavior analysis has also attempted to establish and share evidence-based practices. The presence and quality of data within behavior analytic-scholarly publications drive the evidence-base process. The current presentation will examine instances of and the presentation quality of data within the field of behavior analysis. Instances of data involve the amount of space the field dedicates to data tables and graphics. Presentation quality entails the construction/display of time series graphics, a behavior analytic prime driver. A discussion of the findings center on the establishment of a behavior-analytic evidence base on potentially faulty evidence.